Feed The Poor Friends Club Takes Part in Sierre Lonne

God's Will Academy Primary School Lunsar Town Sierra Leone

God's Will Academy Primary School Lunsar Town Sierra Leone was established to educationally help orphans and underprivileged children. In that drive we open the school in the old town community with free uniform and no fees to open a room for orphans and underprivileged children for education, mainly early childhood education. The turnout was so great that there is not enough space and furniture for these children and also building. 

$4.000 Raised 






Despite this successful achievement of bringing these children together, we also noticed that these children come to school without any food or lunch , causing them to sleep, cry or not even come to school . Because of these we introduce a day feeding once in a week due to the lack of funds to continue it daily. 

But the good story of it, it encourage these children to come now to school every day and very active hoping the feeding will continue. Notice that it only happen once in a  month , many of them only wait for the day in that month we food is available that is the day they will come to school. 
We have learned that if we have a regular feeding for this children it will encourage them to come to school everyday and focus in their learning since their parents can afford food for them.